A portfolio of craft wines from Ukraine available in the U.S. featuring Beykush Winery from the Black Sea Region and Chateau Chizay and Stakhovsky Wines from Zakarpattia in Western Ukraine
Ukraine has a long and rich history of wine-making that dates back to the 4th century BC, when ancient Greeks colonized the Black Sea region and introduced viticulture to the area.
About Vyno Ukrainy
From native varietals, to some of the best expressions you'll find from the names you know, there is something for everyone.
Telti-Kuruk (fox's tail) Ukraine's Unique Indigenous Variety
Our Passion
Vyno Ukrainy is dedicated to introducing the U.S. market to the rich history and diversity of wine growers, regions, and grape varieties in Ukraine.
Prince Trubetskoi Winery, Kherson
Prince Trubetskoi Winery, the oldest wine-making chateau in Ukraine

Prince Trubetskoi Winery, Kherson: Historic Winery Bombed by Russia
The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces in February 2022 resulted in the destruction of Prince Trubetskoi Winery.

The Russian Invasion's impact on Ukrainian Wineries
The rocket did not explode, but it damaged the vineyard and left a large hole in the ground. The winery also faced constant shelling and missile attacks from Russian forces.